Fast & Reliable Histology Services from Attentive Science



Nov 11, 2023


4 minutes Read



The field of histology is crucial in areas such as safety research, pharmaceutical development, and medical diagnosis, among others. Understandably, the creation of a high-quality histology slides begins with the careful collection and handling of the tissues, followed by steps like proper fixation, dehydration, clearing, accurate embedding, skilled microtomy, and meticulous staining. While this process is time-intensive, properly conducting these steps are essential to ensure artifact-free results and precise interpretation. A good histology lab needs to spend its time on this process rather than shipping delays or unnecessary queues as a result of your status at your CRO or shifting priorities of the histology lab.

Introducing Increased Speed, By controlling the Process

Given the stakes, the criticality of both accuracy and speed can hardly be overstated. Errors or delays that begin in the histology lab are not only costly; they often have real time impacts on your IND submission and entire program timelines. To that end, Attentive recently added histology capabilities and can leverage these new proficiencies to ensure that your expectations are kept front and center for the entirety of the process and to minimize any potential delays that could affect your timelines.

Keeping the Focus on your Histology needs

When selecting a histology laboratory service provider, the well-informed client typically looks for six primary areas of excellence:

· Efficiency in processing tissues and providing results within a reasonable and agreed-upon timeframe;

· Robust quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) protocols;

· State-of-the-art equipment and technology for tissue processing and staining;

· Reliable use of automation, while adhering to applicable regulatory guidelines;

· Demonstrable world-class expertise and experience in handling various types of tissues and specimens.

· Competitive and transparent pricing, along with a clear explanation of what each service entails.

Attentive Science keeps all six of these criteria front and center. Far from that is the "just-another-client" feeling that often comes bundled with utilizing one of the big boys, Attentive Science prioritizes client communication and consistent follow-through such that all of our clients feel that we are entirely capable of being...attentive.

Working Tirelessly Toward Building an Error-Free Environment

With decades of veteran expertise, Attentive Science built out its histology lab from the ground up and our associates are working in a truly beautiful, modern clean environment with emphasis placed on producing the highest quality slides possible.

Tissue samples are consistently collected properly on the first try.

· No more delays caused by bad slides.

· No more results based on flawed tissue samples.

· No more diagnostic difficulties tied to staining errors.

· Slides are accurate and immediately readable by pathologists.

Consider the Benefits of a Partnership, Not Just a Service Provider

The addition of histology services to the Attentive Science catalog continues our forward movement into meeting client needs while maintaining a personal, client-calibrated approach. Attentive Science has doubled down on its long-term commitment to providing exceptional value by improving speed and reliability, leveraging technology advancements, and prioritizing quality. Consider us a partner and not just a fee for service provider. With the added capability of performing high quality histology slide preparations and integrating it into our Toxicology offerings, Attentive Science is more competitive in executing timelines. Also by providing Histology as a stand alone offering where applicable to you, Attentive can receive your tissues and turnaround high quality slides with a competitive timeline.

Let’s Connect

See for yourself the increased value that Attentive Science can bring to all your histology needs. One way to start would be scheduling a Virtual Tour of our facilities today. Or, if you prefer, use the convenient Contact Form located on our website or email us.

We look forward to helping you achieve your goals efficiently and accurately!

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